
360 total protection
360 total protection

How 360 Total Security infected your computer However, we have prepared a set of powerful tools you can apply to fully get rid of this program in the guide below. Developers made it harder to entirely uninstall their software not wanting to release their users. Even if you purchase an extended version it will just remove all of the false errors it displayed previously while running a scan. Obviously, this is a trick used to steal money from ingoing users. Besides that, it can report about fake errors or viruses on your computer hence aggressively urging you to obtain the full version to secure your pc even better. Of course, it is absurd to deny that 360 Total Security does not secure your PC at all, but due to the fact that current cybercriminals have been very proficient in penetrating users’ devices, it just cannot prevent all of the threats and ensure full safety. This way most of the users who rely on its effectiveness intuitively start feeling more confident on the web because their system is allegedly secured. Do not worry, 360 Total Security is a virus-free program, but it does not provide good-quality software for their customers. Believe it or not, but recent investigation on its effectiveness found out that it does not guard your computer as it should, therefore, categorizing it as a potentially unwanted program with lots of significant downsides. and designed to ensure the system security and other features to fight off the threats. 360 Total Security is a legitimate anti-virus program developed by the Chinese company called Qihu 360 Software Co Ltd.

360 total protection